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Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac

4 posters


Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap5%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 5% [ 3 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap5%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 5% [ 3 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap3%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 3% [ 2 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap2%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 2% [ 1 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap11%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 11% [ 7 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap5%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 5% [ 3 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap3%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 3% [ 2 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap5%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 5% [ 3 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap10%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 10% [ 6 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap2%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 2% [ 1 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap7%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 7% [ 4 ]
Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_lcap3%Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Vote_rcap 3% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 61

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shining knight

shining knight
Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

The rains began, burning soil twisting all life into a dark parody of itself. Orpheus grinned in self satisfaction as the world began to slowly rot away.

“I don’t like the look of that rain,” muttered Frozen

The dark forest just outside The Base of the purgo of malum war was running for his life from the crazed arcane member known as the hanged man. “Okay I appear to be stranded in a dark forest with none of the boys and that loon stalking me…,” muttered War angrily to himself. His arm had been torn off and it wasn‘t growing back like it should have. “You cannot run forever we will catch you soon,” shouted the unmistakeable voice the hanged man. “You shall not take me alive you undead asshole,” shouted war angrily as he continued to run away from the hanged man and straight into a boy holding a gun.
A tall boy with blonde hair, a long billowing leather coat, and a pair of shades stood in front of war with a grin on his face as he cocked the gun. “Let’s get this party started tosser.” He then pulled out two revolvers and began firing bullets into War. Five minutes later war fell down in pain with hundreds of holes in him. He groaned and tried to pull himself up but the boy kicked him down again. “No one messes with Floyd Lawson and gets away with it remember what you did to me prick?,” he said smiling as he gave war one last kick and then cuffed him.

“Good work….” muttered the hanged man dark blood dripping from his mouth

“And my reward?” asked Floyd

“absolutely,” grinned the hanged man plunging his hand into Floyds chest and tearing his heart out.

“I told you, I would allow you to see your dead boyfriend again…he is waiting for you in hell….” grinned the hanged man as he began to chew on the dead boys heart.

“As for you….we’re going to have some fun in the darkling world….” grinned the hanged man

“Oh shit” muttered War as they both began to fade into the darkness

------------------------------------------------------------What happened here was I had written all of wars stuff to set him up for his big role in act II and realised I couldn't think of a flashback for him. So this is what this is a small break in the hourglass story to set up Wars future epic!

Thats also why this is so short normal service will resume next episode until then vote!

Round one

Knights of the White Order


Kingdom Come Superman

Silver Surfer



Cloud Strife (FFVII)


The Order of Chronal Defenders 3.0
Toph Bei Fong
Minda (Legend of Zelda)
Beowulf (Myth)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Round 2


Morgan le Fay -
Dark Willow -
Evil Ernie -
Annatz Arataz -
Walter o'Dim/Randall Flagg -
Wolverine, Lord of the vampires -


divine forge

Destroyer (Thor Conscience) -
Superman with Mjolnir -
Wonder Woman with Mjolnir -
Captain America (Steve Rogers) with Mjolnir -
Asgardian Storm -
Rogue with Mjolnir -
Round 3

Brotherhood of the Bat


Green Lantern (Bruce Wayne - Batman: In Darkest Knight)

Batman (Superman: Speeding Bullets)

Batmage (Conjurors)

Batman of the 853rd century (Batman: One Million)

Dark Claw


The Rule of 6

1. Illidan Stormrage
2. Mr. Oliver from the Anita Blake series
3. Darth Bane
4. Morg
5. Master Blaster
6. Fu Manchu

Round 4


Martian Manhunter
Ion(Kyle Rayner)
Usagi Yojimbo
Captain America
Wonder Woman


Hell's Twilight
Parallax (Hal Jordan)
Black Lantern Superman
Black Lantern Martian Manhunter
Round 5

The despair

The shade (dc)

Mr dark (fables)

Black hand (dc)

Kaname tousen (bleach)

Abyss (AOA)

Aku samurai jack


The League of Extraordinary Connerys - All characters once played by Sean Connery

Ramierz - Immortal swordsman

Draco - Dragon


King Arthur - Mystical sword excalibur, ability to summon Dragon from shield

Allan Quartermain - Skilled hunter and fighter. Unparalleled marksman with a rifle. Claims "Africa will not let him die."

James Bond - Secret agent, skilled hand to hand combatant and practiced in the use of most small arms
Round 6

The Shepherds:

1. Serpent O.R
2. Black Adam
3. The Maestro
4. John Milton (Al Pacino from the DEvil's Advocate)
5. Sacha Vykos
6. Ozymandius from Watchmen


The last resort

Wolverine(X men)
Wesley Gibson(Wanted)
Micah (HEROES)
Obi Wan(Star wars)
Sarah conner(Terminator)
Round 7

Brotherhood of evil

Lore from ST:TNG

Juggernaut from the 616

Northstar from the 616

Blackout from GI Joe

Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat

The Violator from Spawn


Royal Revenge
Van Fanel (from Tenku No Escaflowne)
Vegeta (from Dragonball Z)
Dr. Doom (from various Marvel Comics)
Starfire (from various DC Comics)
Jadis "The White Witch" (from The Chronicles of Narnia books)
Godzilla (from the Toho films)

Round 8

Fallen from Grace
Raven Trigon mode(DC Comics)
Anakin Skywalker
Tai Lung(Kung Fu Panda)
Saskae Uchiha(Naruto)
Nemisis Kid(Legion of Superheroes preCrisis)


N.E.S. (Nintendo's Elite Soldiers)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Samus (Metroid)
Orpheus (Battle of Olympus)
Metal Man
Lil' Mac (Punch-Out!)

Round 9

The HATRED - The Harbingers of Anguish, Terror, Rage, Entropy, and Death

Darth Sion -

Selene -

Alma -

Puck -


Thamuz - Superhuman strength, Power to tap into the greatest fears of his victims, Magic to place glamour spells upon other beings


OCD Black OPs 2.0
Firelord Zuko
Ravager (Rose Wilson)
Piccolo (DBZ)
Big Barda
Rogue (Marvel 616)


Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja



Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

gotta shape up to beat HATRED....
by anychance, where are the members of HATRED from?


The Robert Frost of Poop

Darth Sion - Sith Lord, powers based on pain, can heal himself from death

Selene - Marvel, psychic vampire/witch

Alma - The freaky little girl from FEAR. Psychic powers across the board. Can melt people with her thoughts.

Puck - Gargoyles, mystical fairy boy

Frenzy - Casseticon from IDW's Transformers run, sonic attack renders enemies insane

Thamuz - Demonic Spawn villain with Superhuman strength, Power to tap into the greatest fears of his victims, Magic to place glamour spells upon other beings


Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

I am the walrus.

shining knight

shining knight
Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

coo coo ka choo....

last day on the votes for this round

7Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Empty SOTF 5 Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:57 am


Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

so, what's the stats now?

shining knight

shining knight
Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

1:Fallen from Grace:3350 ^2

2 The Shepherds:3250 v2

3:The HATRED - :3000 =

3:The Rule of 6:3000 =

4: :Knights of the White Order: 2900 v3

5 Hell's Twilight:2850 ^8

6:The despair:2800 =

6:The last resort: 2800 v3

6:OCD Black OPs 2.0:2800 v3

7:Cauldron: 2750 v5

8:VANGUARD:2700 v3

9:N.E.S. (Nintendo's Elite Soldiers): 2600 v4

10 Royal Revenge:2550 v7

11:The Order of Chronal Defenders 3.0: 2500 v9

12 :Brotherhood of evil:2450 v10

12 divine forge: 2450 v10

13 The League of Extraordinary Connerys: 2350 v10

14:Brotherhood of the Bat: 2150 v11

Coming next in the story

For years Corrosive cougar and her brother Lancet lynx have had a really rocky relationship....

Now as they fight the tag team of strength and the lovers a terrible secret is about to be revealed....


The Robert Frost of Poop



Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

Mnemosis wrote:C'Mon HATRED!


11Survival of the fittest V turning back the hourglass interlude: Jason Keuroac Empty SOTF 5 Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:30 pm


Zombie Ninja
Zombie Ninja

shining knight wrote:1:Fallen from Grace:3350 ^2

woot! 8)

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