The POP! Forums are totally free. Free of charge, free of discrimination, free of hate... you get the idea. If you want to keep coming here and enjoying the community, let's all work to keep it a "nice" place. Plain and simple, don't be an asshole to anyone. The official rules are as follows:
- Please keep profanity to a minimum.
- Please do not insult fellow posters.
- If another poster does something to bother you, please ask them, politely, to stop. If they don't, you may notify any moderator and we will address the problem
- If you simply can't get along with someone, please just try to keep your distance.
- No spamming.
- There will be no hate speak of any kind towards any group. Period.
If we all follow the above rules, then I think we can have a happy and healthy forum. One last request. When starting a new thread, please be sure to make the contents of the thread clear in the title. If you're about to start a political debate, title the thread "Problems with the government" and not "Ummm... what?", since the latter does not make it at all obvious what the thread will be about. Some posters may want to avoid certain topics of conversation, and this gives them the chance to do so.
Thank you, and happy posting.
- Please keep profanity to a minimum.
- Please do not insult fellow posters.
- If another poster does something to bother you, please ask them, politely, to stop. If they don't, you may notify any moderator and we will address the problem
- If you simply can't get along with someone, please just try to keep your distance.
- No spamming.
- There will be no hate speak of any kind towards any group. Period.
If we all follow the above rules, then I think we can have a happy and healthy forum. One last request. When starting a new thread, please be sure to make the contents of the thread clear in the title. If you're about to start a political debate, title the thread "Problems with the government" and not "Ummm... what?", since the latter does not make it at all obvious what the thread will be about. Some posters may want to avoid certain topics of conversation, and this gives them the chance to do so.
Thank you, and happy posting.